Common questions answered | After your session

Remember your touch up session is very specific if needed. The up to 8 weeks means from your full session date UP TO 8 weeks and is only one time after your full session. The 2-18 month touch up is over 8 weeks UP TO 18 months from your full session date. After 18 months you are a full session again.
Book accordingly and thank you!
Wait 24 hours
After your session, wait 24 hours and wash once a day with a CLEAR neutral FOAMING soap (Cetaphil gentle foaming cleaner is best) with no harsh ingredients or anti-aging ingredients. (No dial, and use the foam cleanser as directed WITH water)
Upward motion
In a upward motion with foaming cleanser on a wet cotton pad firmly wash each brow ( do not baby them and please only in an upward motion) then rinse, pat dry and apply the aftercare I provided also in an upward motion. Your brows will only be wet 10 seconds a day max. NO getting brows wet in shower.
No sweating
No sweating for 7 days. No sunscreen on them. (Sunscreen, retinol, oils and full coverage foundation are not good for your brows and can cause fading and discoloration) Again, remember they are ONLY wet about 10 seconds a day from your once a day wash. Remember to use a firm pressure when washing them!
No red wine ( or anything extremely colored) or kissing tonight ( that goes for pups and hubby's) and keep your lips super hydrated!!!! Swelling will last just a couple hours at max you will see more color as the swelling goes down!! 🙌🏼 Send selfies!!!
Again IF you text me or send me pics asking me any of the above I am simply going to re direct you to my site to review this info :)
I cannot tell you how many times over the years I have reviewed aftercare instructions after someone sent me images of scabbing or redness even after this sheet as I use to hand it out or text this info.... that clients have told me they didn't wash them or get them wet during the healing process.... I give you all the info you need for good healing so let's follow the rules and have some amazing healed brows!
XOXO Brandi Snyder,
Lavish Beauty #407-402-5821
PHONE: 407-402-5821